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제작툴 [게임제작툴]

by 아방스 2009. 2. 21.

The Clickteam Team
The Games Factory (AKA TGF) is a popular tool made by Clickteam, a sequel to their "Click & Create." This maker is paid though, it retails at $29 for home registration. Pro complete costs $49, and what's special about the complete Pro version is that you are allowed to create and actually SELL games you've created if you wish.

This maker is also extremely easy to use once you get the hang of it. There isn't much scripting involved but still, the results are fantastic. Clickteam is somewhat Freeware. You can download the demo version here at RPG RPG Revolution, but if you want to unlock all of The Game Factory's features, then you must purchase a liscence for $29 USD.


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